Specifies whether the Accounting packet starts or stops a bridging, routing or terminal server session 指定记帐数据包是否开始或停止搭桥路由或终端服务器会话
A sort of management system based on GPRS ( general packet radio service) is presented for the distribution transformers. The structure of system, the hardware of monitoring and control terminal unit, the GPRS communication mode, the functions of master station software are described. 介绍了一种基于GPRS(通用分组无线业务)的配变管理系统(包括系统结构、监控终端硬件组成、GPRS通信方式、主站管理软件功能等部分)。
This paper proposed a new MAC protocol, which schedules the packet transmission between Mesh APs in a fully-distributed manner. Out-of-band signal is used to schedule the access of media in order to solve the hidden terminal problem and exposed terminal problem. 提出了一种适合全分布方式无线多跳网络的MAC层协议,使用带外信号来调度媒体接入,以解决隐藏终端和暴露终端问题。
The composition of real-time monitoring system based on General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS) network for heat-supply network is introduced, and the softwares design for up-set and GPRS terminal equipment is analyzed. 介绍了基于GPRS网络的热网实时监控系统的组成,分析了上位机、GPRS终端设备软件的设计。
The implementation of PAD ( Packet Assemble and Disassemble) in RDC network-is presented in this paper. The process of various terminal users, access to the network and commands used are also shown. 本文介绍RDC网中分组的组装和拆卸,介绍了各类终端用户访问网络的过程以及所使用的命令。
USB interface board undertakes system traffic transfer, while the multi-media traffic based on IP packet of external terminal is accessed into the wireless communications system through USB interface. USB接口电路承担系统中业务平面传递任务,外部业务终端基于IP分组包格式的多媒体业务通过USB接口接入无线通信系统。
Analysis and simulation show that, the protocol can improve the probability of the receiver to receive packet correctly in the case of multiple interference source, and better alleviate the hidden terminal problem in the large interference area. 分析和仿真表明,该协议可以提高接收端在多源干扰下正确收到数据的概率,更好的缓解了大干扰域下的隐终端问题。
Simulation results show that the proposed vertical handover trigger mechanism can effectively reduce the probability of mobile terminal handover and the packet loss of the terminal. 仿真结果表明,该垂直切换触发机制能够有效地降低移动终端执行切换的概率和终端的丢包概率。
The Ad hoc network is a full-distributed wireless packet network. In this environment, a mobile node may function as a communication terminal and as a router node. 无线adhoc网络是一种全分布式的无线分组网络,组成网络的节点既具有通信终端的功能,又具有路由器的功能,并可自由移动。
And when the channel get better, the algorithm increase the data sending rate to guarantee the throughput, delay and packet loss rate of the terminal applications. 而在信道恢复到较好质量时采用高业务速率来保证终端的流量、延迟和丢包率等QoS应用需求。
The first is to proceed from the hardware, specifically designed for network packet capture device, the packet capture and processing terminal separated, that while greatly improved the packet capture and processing efficiency, but also brought the high hardware cost. 第一种是从硬件着手,设计专用的网络数据包捕获设备,将报文捕获和处理终端分离开来,这样做虽然极大的提升了报文捕获和处理的效率,但是也带来的高昂的硬件成本。
VPDN is a high-speed packet data network and wireless data network platform, which can interconnected the customize terminal and the information processing center, than help to build a unified standard IOT system. VPDN是以高速分组数据网和无线数据专网平台为承载,能够将各种行业定制终端与信息处理中心安全智能的连接起来,为企事位单位构筑统一标准的物联网系统。